My ideal client

If any of the following apply to you, perhaps you’ve come to the right place…

  • You’re not having 1-3 daily bowel movements.

  • You have a family history of health concerns and you’re wanting to take preventative measures.

  • You’ve done a myriad of testing/lab work and everything indicates that “you’re fine”, but deep down you know you’re not.

  • You feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING, but have yet to achieve the level of resolution you’re looking for.

  • You’ve found a dietary approach that is working wonders for you, BUT you feel like you’re walking a tight rope — even the smallest “slip up” could cause those old symptoms to come crashing back.

  • You’ve been trying to research a way to take control of your health, but you feel paralyzed trying to analyze all the conflicting information floating around the internet and can’t figure out which of the many approaches is right for you.

  • You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired

My Philosophy

If any of the following resonate with you, we will make a great team…

  • There is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to wellness — you are unique and your wellness plan should be the same.

  • In order to feel well, you need to eat real, whole, nutritious food.

  • Counting calories or tracking macronutrients is not the answer. Your needs are dynamic, nutritional data is often inaccurate, and these counts tend to cause many to lose sight of real food, instead creating value based on a food’s number profile.

  • Your body is meant to run on real, whole foods. Highly processed foods interfere with your ability to key into your natural hunger and satiety cues. Cleaning up your diet can allow you to self regulate your food intake over time and enables you to stop overthinking your diet.

  • If you’ve been putting poor quality gas in your car for years (or decades), its bound to breakdown. Switching over to clean gas is a GREAT starting point, but that alone may not get the car up and running — you’ll likely need to change the oil, flush the radiator fluid, get a transmission tune up, etc. The same goes for you and I have the tools to help you.

  • True wellness cannot be achieved without the help of some professional-grade supplements. Our food supply and lifestyles have changed so drastically over the past few decades that it can be extremely difficult to keep up with some of the body’s increased needs/demands through food alone. In addition, I believe the accelerated rate of physical, emotional and chemical stress that we endure today has far exceeded the rate to which our body has been able to adapt. Our cells need support outside of healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain optimal energy production.

  • Looking healthy on the outside does not equate to healthy cell and organ function on the inside.

  • Your wellness journey is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no magic pill to fix things overnight (although I wish there was) and its going to be challenging. You must be willing to give yourself time, be patient, stay determined, and be open to commit a minimum of 4 months of “training” with me to build a healthy foundation. From there, you can determine if you’re ready to advance to the marathon that is your wellness journey.

  • Wellness requires hard work and dedication — I will support you throughout this health endeavor, but ultimately YOU are the only one who can take control of your health. If the time is now, let’s get started!

Healthy Regards,

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B.S. in Nutrition, California Polytechnic State University

Dietetic Internship, California Polytechnic State University

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)

Certificate of Training in Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy

Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT)

Take a look at what is beneath the surface of your diagnosis or symptoms…

Take a look at what is beneath the surface of your diagnosis or symptoms…

New to integrative and functional nutrition? This wellness approach recognizes that the body is a very complex and interconnected matrix rather than a collection of independent systems. Through a detailed health and lifestyle assessment, along with the use of the body’s biochemical pathways as a road map to identify the possible root cause(s) of your condition or disease, we can find ways to support recovery and wellness. This approach aims to target the source of the issue as opposed to focusing on the management of symptoms.

By identifying any imbalances that may be causing you to feel “unwell” your health can be addressed proactively rather than waiting for a disease to develop. For those currently dealing with an existing medical condition, an integrative and functional approach works as a great adjunct to your management plan and may greatly improve how you feel.